
Materials used:

  • Bison Occidentalis skull of extinct bison, 5,000–11,000 years old;
  • painted plaster cast of my face;
  • painted glass pieces, Montana;
  • dried seedpods, Nevada.

(wall mount)

This is truly a MOST unique Mask Artistry creation. Serving as a base for the black-striped golden mask is a bison skull gifted to me by a friend who shares my love of skulls. This skull, Bison Occidentalis, which paleontologists estimate between 5,000 and 11,000 years old, is the immediate ancestor of the modern buffalo. It serves as the magnificent focus of the piece I have titled “Extinct.” Extremely valuable to collectors of early paleontology artifacts, the skull has an almost petrified quality to it and is a true relic from an Ice Age North American Buffalo. Just IMAGINE that animal…

Imagine, as you touch the skull in your mind, or with your bare hand, the ancient, TRULY ancient, animal that roamed this country thousands of years ago… now extinct but remembered and honored in this time and place. I feel so fortunate to have not only received this skull as a gift, but also to have had the opportunity to humbly honor this ancient species by using this bone material as the base for “Extinct.” I've only added painted glass and a few dried seedpods. Nothing more. It is superb just as it is.