Protector Totem

Materials used:

  • wooden burled wood base, Wyoming;
  • forest lichen, Hyalite Canyon, Montana;
  • dried flower seed pods, Montana;
  • white river rocks, Montana;
  • bit of deer hair/fur, Montana;
  • small additional piece of driftwood, Montana;
  • painted plaster cast of my face;
  • grainy white sand, Hawaii

This “Protector Totem” mask is meant to image ANY of our guardian angels, protector totems, spiritual guides or teachers. Whether the totem is, in fact, one of my personal totems or one of yours, or one that is serving or supporting some aspect of all of humanity on planet earth, is irrelevant. The image of this Mask Artistry piece is simply an honoring of ALL those beings in Non-Ordinary Reality who offer their love and guidance, whether we seem to be aware of them or not. It is my personal thank you, my honoring and recognition in gratitude for the divine protection and wisdom I receive. It is also a reminder to keep that gratitude in the forefront of my thoughts.

Perhaps one of the most striking features of this “Protector Totem” mask is the wood. The larger piece has multiple small, swirled and knobbed burls on the left side of the mask face. If you can enlarge the photo, take a good look at the burls’ textures. A secondary, smaller piece of wood is on the top of the mask face. It is almost imp-like in nature and shape, with its own pointy-nosed face looking left. Other natural materials include tree lichen, flower top seedpods, and a tiny bit of deer hair (I occasionally find bits of their hair caught on twigs.) The gold painted plaster mask face has a sprinkling of grainy white sand and a border of white river rocks.

My wish is that as you gaze on “Totem Protector,” you will take an inner moment to acknowledge and offer gratitude to anything in your life that gives you a sense of protection, guidance, or wisdom.